
We helped our agency partner A Different Story produce motion graphics and visual effects for various videos for their client Arm. Arm, the chip architecture design company most people have never heard of, yet everyone uses their products.

For Arm’s Infrastructure video, showcasing in what industries Arm’s technology makes a difference, we produced visual effects and designed custom supers that help emphasize key elements and terminology in the story.

For the Arm New Reality Series we designed and animated the intro title that features parallax images, featuring devices that use Arm technology. The New Reality Series is a web series about future technology. In each episode a technologist, futurist, or tech entrepreneur is interviewed about new developments that feature Arm products.

The Arm brand uses a few key elements that relate to what they do and why they exist. The colorful circuits used in the shots are an important element of Arm’s brand. These circuit designs are also featured in background elements in the video, designed for shots based on online interview recordings.

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