Shell Recharge Solutions logo

Shell Recharge Solutions: Decreasing Support Request Volumes

Shell Recharge Solutions: Increasing ROI

The Client

Shell Recharge Solutions, formerly known as NewMotion, owns and operates one of the largest EV charging networks in Europe. To power this network, they developed their own charging technology and custom charging units. They operate both a public charging network and sell units that can be placed at business locations, or your home.

Shell Recharge Solutions logo

The Challenge

Shell Recharge Solutions’ support desk was experiencing a high request volume from maintenance personnel, who needed help with specific knowledge around setting up and configuring EV charging units. They needed a solution that would reduce the number of requests and thus save money.

The Solution

We had a solution for this problem right away: interactive video. Video can easily visualize solutions for the most common questions and problems in a very clear way. By making video interactive, personnel can quickly look up the explanation of their specific issue and view the solution in action, while they are on a job.

NewMotion Interactive 3D Animation Still

The Result

The result is an interactive 3D animation, that maintenance personnel can use to look up and view common questions and solutions in action, without having to contact the support desk. This video runs offline on a tablet and can be viewed anywhere. The animation has been localized in a variety of languages for local markets. Our solution has helped to lower the support request volume by 34%.


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Tomtom logo hero 43

TomTom: Production at Lightning Speed

TomTom: Production at Lightning Speed

The Client

TomTom is one of the first creators of GPS navigation systems for commercial use. Since the mid 90s TomTom has been working on navigation and mapping technology. Over the years the focus has shifted from navigation products for consumers to fleet management and autonomous driving technology.

Tomtom logo hero 43

The Challenge

TomTom’s technology is new and it’s relevant. To stay relevant, communication efforts it needs to happen right now. That gave us a challenge: how can we produce great video content in a very short amount of time? Traditional production processes come with an estimated timeframe. That “old” way of working wasn’t going to cut it for TomTom.

The Solution

The solution we used was to collapse the production process. Having teams in different time zones enabled us to build a 24/7 production pipeline. Teams handed projects of to teams in different time zone and delivered versions for review in the morning, for the client to review. That enabled us to shorten timelines and meet even tighter deadlines.

The Result

We were able to meet really tight deadlines, deliver content well before an event started, all while maintaining a high level of quality. Working this way we produced a variety of engaging marketing videos for TomTom’s booth at TechCrunch Disrupt Festival, product videos showcasing self-driving technology and brand videos tell the story of TomTom’s future and much more.


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Client logo WebP

Localizing 1,000s of Videos at Once

Localizing 1,000s of Videos at Once

The Client

A op 100 global language service provider requested our help in localizing training videos for one of their clients. Their client is a major provider of scientific training material and serves global audiences. This case presents the project as best as it can, while respecting the client’s need for confidentiality.

Client logo WebP


The Challenge

The video training series covers a selection of concepts in biology and chemistry, with a total of 630 videos. These 630 videos needed to be localized for 7 markets/languages. The timeline was very clear: as soon as possible. Having to produce over 8,800 deliverables, that presented an exciting challenge for us. The client provided their own translations which were done using AI. The results were far from accurate, which added to the challenge.

The Solution

The solution was simple and one of our biggest strengths: collapsing the production process to increase speed. We used a different voice artists, subtitle editors and QA testers for each subject and language. All while maintaining consistency across videos. And combined recording and editing with creating the subtitles for each language. To manage input, people and over 8,800 deliverables, we designed a custom project management workflow.

Localizing Biology 10647 still 3
Localizing Biology 10647 still 2

The Result

As a result we delivered 4.400+ videos and subtitles in 7 languages in under 3 months. All videos where edited to match the new voice-overs in each language, without using original footage and project files. We even performed QA on the delivered scripts, to correct all translation errors. And the most surprising maybe part is: we did not use any AI ourselves. Guess what we would be be capable of doing with the help of AI tools…

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3 months

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7 languages

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600+ unique videos

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8,800+ deliverables


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Amazon Games logo

Amazon Games: Solving a Localization Puzzle

Amazon Games: Solving a Localization Puzzle

The Client

Amazon, the company that sells pretty much everything, also publishes games. Two of their games are coming out later this year, or in the course of next year. Both games are sold worldwide in a lot of different countries and come in different languages.

Amazon Games logo
LA local reel thumb challenge

The Challenge

Amazon Games sells their games in different countries and languages means they will also be promoted in those countries and languages. So, the trailer, ads an all other marketing material had to be localized to accommodate different markets and languages.

The Solution

Together with Layer Media, who produced the trailer and ads, we investigated what needed to be localized. For some countries that means changing everything from voice-over to titles and captions. For others localization of visual information was enough. The final step was to develop a workflow that works.

LA local reel thumb Spanish

The Result

Our combined efforts resulted in the production of close to 1,000 localized deliverables! Each localized video came in different versions for different platforms, from YouTube to Facebook and multiple ad delivery platforms. The campaigns ran on Twitch, YouTube, social media, various websites and reached millions of gamers worldwide.

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1.5 weeks

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10+ markets

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50+ versions

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900+ deliverables


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SC Johson logo 2

SC Johnson: interactive HTML5 & video banners for Glade

SC Johnson: interactive HTML5 & video banners for Glade

The Client

SC Johnson is one of the big CPG companies that has a strong focus on sustainable products. They produce and sell products that are more eco friendly. This ranges from household products like cleaning detergent, to home storage, to lifestyle brands and even professional products.

SC Johson logo 2

The Challenge

SC Johnson’s (former) agency BBDO approached us about their challenge: they needed a banner campaign for their brand Glade in Southeast Asia. The banner campaign needed to work on multiple platforms: from social media to various websites, and also run on YouTube. All banners needed to have motion and be localized for various markets: Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. Translations were to be provided by our team.

The Solution

The solution we used was to design the banners as if they were slide shows. That way we could keep the overall design consistent across all different versions and file-types. For Facebook and Instagram carousel images were needed, as well. Those formed the basis for the slide show approach. For social media and YouTube videos were created and for website banners we created animated interactive HTML5 banners.

The Result

The result is a banner package that has all versions for the various platforms and websites available and in all desired languages for the campaign. All versions across different file-types and use have the same look and messaging. The animated interactive HTML5 banners come in a variety of sizes and aspect ratios that are different for each market and exactly fit the use for that specific market.

Animated interactive HTML5 banners

For the different markets we produced a set of animated interactive HTML5 banners that are specific for that market. Not all versions were created for all markets. We produced banners varying in size from 300×250, 468×60, to 970×250 and more. We also produced vertical banners with sizes like 120×600, 160×600 and 300×600.

Click on an image below to view the animated HTML5 banner (opens in a new tab).

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2 weeks

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4 markets

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20 versions

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60+ deliverables


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Hills Pet logo

Hill's Pet: Video Redesign

Hill's Pet: Video Redesign

The Client

Longtime video and animation client Hill’s Pet produces science backed food for cats and dogs. Their food solutions focus on problems your furry friend may face such as obesity, kidney problems, or digestive issues. Hill’s Pet is a part of the Colgate-Palmolive family of brands.

Hills Pet logo
HillsPet frame

The Challenge

Hill’s Pet updated their brand design recently and was looking for a different approach to their video content. Their brand design changed to having a flat approach. Previous videos and animations all had a concept where humor played a very important role. Our task was to develop a new style and direction for more serious stories. That gave us a really great challenge.

The Solution

The solution was to focus more on explaining the workings behind the food, benefits and results. For the new style direction we looked at technology companies and adopted some of their design language. To bring an emotional connection to the scientific approach, we used a mix of graphic animation and live action shots of pets.

Hills Pet Nutrigenomics frame 01

The Result

The result is a video format combining live action video and motion graphics animation. This combination can be used in various ways and to tell different stories. It is setup in a way that enables localization for Hill’s Pet’s different markets. This template will serve as a basis for future videos and formats.


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